I can't believe how fast spring disappeared on me. I am so glad that it will be back in a couple of days. Kaylee and I have went to the Jungle Jym just about everday while it was pretty. She loves to swing on the swing sets. And the sandbox is fun time also. I hate that she keeps eating the sand though. And boy does she like to climb. Anything and everything. She was climbing before she walked. I have pictures if I can figure out how to put them on here. She is just so funny and so sweet. I am glad that she enjoys being outside as much as she does. We will probably live out side this summer and fall. I hope to get a summer pass to the city pool and I plan on taking her on trips and jus letting her enjoy being a toddler. The other two will have such busy summers with girls camp, scout camp, cheer camp, band camp, and other things I don't even know about yet. I am so excited.